This, in and of itself, isn’t necessarily an invitation for malice; however, given the current climate (mostly created by the folks at places like CNN), the timing of this piece was absolutely horrendous. This is why most have lost faith in CNN to tell them the truth, because their “Agenda” is showing in virtually everything they do and report. Seeing a talking head reporter, who has perseverated about being oppressed by racists, etc., talking about the most horrendous “what if” scenario, is extremely troubling. It is all about timing, and it is also about the tone of the reporter being used to describe such an event.
Folks, this sort of being misled has been going on for quite some time. A good example of hiding the truth started back in the first Iraq war, and then continued until the removal of Saddam Hussein. The Modus Operandi of CNN has been to only tell part of the story. Opting instead to leave out key items or facts, such as the overwhelming number of Human Rights abuses within the Iraqi Regime that were observed but not reported by CNN reporters on the ground. CNN finally admitted this in 2002, stating that they were afraid for their personnel that were in country. Of course, this begs the question about their most recent behaviors. After all, it was CNN that had someone crying about being afraid that she’d be put into a camp, which if it were true, would probably be the last thing they’d say out of “fear for their reporters on the ground.”
Another problem is the “Tone” of the reporter. Now the use of certain snide inferences or the tonal quality of the reporter himself will infect a story. An example of this is when a reporter says simple things such as, “She SAID, that” (as opposed to she stated or she said.) This emphasis on the word “SAID” is done to imply that whatever came after “SAID” is a lie. This is subtle, but no less damaging to the actual truth or facts. Without ever actually coming out to call someone a liar, they’ve put their stamp on it, and told the public that “we think” this man or woman is a liar. This is only one trick of the trade, but it does the intended damage without our ever understanding that we’ve been misled by the reporter.
I often wonder what happened to things like facts being the news. I don’t need, nor do I want, someone else spinning a story to fit an agenda. I don’t need your tonal changes or your bad timing to incite something. Instead, I just want to know the facts. I’m smart enough to draw my own conclusions without being fed a line of bull. I’m also smart enough to recognize when the press is inciting bad behavior or just plain violence. Again, CNN is a leader in such things, and this most recent timing of the story about “what if” is just one more nail in that coffin. I generally don’t believe in boycotts, but if I’m ever going to watch CNN, it will be strictly for the comedy and not the truth. In fact, I’d rather be forced to drink tap water in Flint, Michigan.
~Michael S. Pauley