For some reason, there is no longer a recognition of the real problem. I’m sorry, but if you need a mask and a club to spread your message, then you’re wrong. I don’t care if that is coming from the KKK, NAZIS, ISIS, Communists, Socialists, or Antifa. If you’re wearing a mask; pounding on each other with clubs; setting people’s property on fire; and, then basically attacking someone based on their First Amendment rights, then trust me, you are the problem. As an old soldier, I have deployed and voluntarily put myself in harm’s way, just to keep that kind of crap away from our country. The same ignorance and intolerance that should disgust all of us is now being demonstrated by the extreme parts of our society, on both the left and the right, and being cheered on by the even less tolerant fools of our Fourth Estate.
Regardless, I’m seeing it spread around like it was okay, and somehow justified, by the behavior of others. Sorry kids, but both are wrong, and to delude yourself into thinking otherwise, is a sure ticket to our country’s self-destruction. If you don’t tolerate others, whether it is for skin color, religion, or how they voted, then you are the real problem. It is the intolerance that links these groups, so to say that one side or the other is right or justified, is complete poppy cock. To chide others for pointing out the moral equivalence between the sides, is again poppy cock. With all respects to Mitt Romney, and others, who have said that there can be no such equivalency, I heartily disagree.
Right now, what we need to be fighting against is not each other, but the extremism that exists on both sides. Naturally, the Fourth Estate won’t help with this issue, since for them, it is about ratings or taking sides that dovetails with an agenda. Stirring the pot, and sometimes outright lies, do nothing more than inflame passions that shouldn’t exist, and didn’t exist until more recent memory. I posted some time ago about the Fourth Estate becoming a Fifth Column. Well............. Guess what?!
As for race, and racism, I can still recall that some of the people I’d die for were of another race or religion than mine. What a lot of people may not know is that several of the key characters in my book are most definitely modeled after those men, who were the finest soldiers I’ve ever had the privilege to know, and who like me, were willing to give it all for this country. So, stop the insanity, and turn off the damn news. Instead of turning your mind to mush reading the absurd, try making a new friend, and remember that those who would divide us are our real true enemy.