I wonder if anyone reading this remembers when the Weather Channel showed the weather at night, or when Headline News actually had news after say 7:00 p.m.? Don’t get me wrong, the Coast Guard in Alaska is fascinating, but seriously? Why not break down and give us some weather, instead of some silly little box in the corner of the screen that requires you to have a magnifying glass to even find it, much less read it. Now it takes a calamity or significant weather event to have them deviate from their regularly scheduled programing. Why not just call it something other than the Weather Channel? How about we rename them the “Obscure Weather Related Crap channel?”
While we’re at it, HLN, CNN, FOX, MSNBC, etc., have their constant news cycle crawling across the bottom of my screen in fine print. This is great, assuming I have nothing else to do but read that scrolling text twenty thousand times, before I get the entire headline that tells me little to nothing. Thank GOD for the internet, otherwise, you’d never have a clue about what might be happening after 6:00 p.m., or at least until a local news program pops up at 10:00 or 11:00 in the later evening. Sadly, even the “local” news is not very satisfying. Over the course of a 30 minute broadcast, the local weather person will pop up a half dozen times, only to tell me what he WILL tell me, later in the broadcast.
I guess I’m “old school,” but I really wish they would all stop trying to entertain me, and just start telling me what is going on in the world. ~ Michael S. Pauley