What ever happened to just telling me what happened during the day without some putz adding a spin? Now we have a Nancy Grace or a Greta or worse yet, a Bill O’Reilly or his anthesis, Chris Matthews, spinning so hard that it hurts my eyes/ears just to watch them. (Yeah, even in the no spin zone, that guy spins like a top cutting off anyone that might even remotely disagree with him!) Bloviating Bill, as we call him, and leg shaking Chris, have convinced me that you could probably get more useful real time information from the Home Shopping Network. On that topic, in my humble opinion, Bill and Chris are just opposites sides of the same coin, a plugged nickel.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it yet again here. At night, when I have time to listen to the news, please stop trying to entertain me, or in most cases, nauseate me. Give me the news, the simple “what the hell happened today” kind of news, not an out of context snippet that is designed to upset me, influence me, or otherwise brainwash me. While we are on the subject, these “Media Watch” type shows are equally annoying. While the concept might be sound, what you get instead is another pundit telling us about the bias of other pundits, by showing us clips that clearly show the bias being carried out at the other news network. Really?? Why not hire a hooker to teach celibacy to a group of monkeys at the zoo. It makes about as much sense! ~ Michael S. Pauley